If I Had to Live My Life Over

2024-10-10T16:47:22-05:00October 10th, 2024|Categories: Parenting|Tags: , , , , |

Over the past few weeks, my sister and I have been clearing out our parents’ garage. We aimed to box up items that we'd examine more closely later. This includes treasures from both sets of grandparents and great-grandparents, along with other inherited memorabilia. It’s been a challenge not to peek at a wartime letter addressed to our grandmother or sift through old report cards and marvel at a collection of early 1900s postcards. In a box that seemed like a random office drawer dump—complete with [...]

Empathy? In Denmark they’re learning it in school

2019-12-05T16:42:23-06:00July 4th, 2019|Categories: Parenting|Tags: , |

Denmark is one of the happiest countries in the world. This is according to the UN’s World Happiness Report, an important survey that since 2012 classifies the happiness of 155 countries in the world, and that for seven years has placed Denmark among the top three happiest countries on a global level. The fact that teaching empathy has been mandatory since 1993 in schools in Denmark is a factor that contributes to the happiness of the country. Empathy helps build relationships, prevent bullying and succeed [...]

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