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The Value of Not Knowing
By Pilar Bewley Margaret, a veteran elementary Montessori teacher, overheard a conversation between Steven and Paula, two children who were conducting a science experiment. Steven lifted up a half-full test tube. “Hey, the solution isn’t [...]
Why Are Kids Impatient, Bored, Friendless, and Entitled?
By Victoria Prooday Kids today are in a devastating emotional state! Most come to school emotionally unavailable for learning. There are many factors in our modern lifestyle that contribute to this. I am an occupational [...]
How to Encourage Kids to ‘Give Back
Washington Post "On Parenting," Journalist Amy Joyce Here are tips from the Family Dinner Project, a grassroots movement to encourage eating well and talking over dinner about things that really matter, about how to encourage children [...]
Kansas Citizens and Business Community Say Students Need More Than Academics to Succeed
By Denise Kahler, Director of Communications The Kansas State Board of Education (KSBE) is reviewing the tabulated results from the Community Conversation events held throughout the state three years ago where education officials asked Kansas [...]