Inspired by Greta Thunberg, Raintree student leads weekly protest about climate change

2020-12-29T13:50:59-06:00October 30th, 2020|Categories: Montessori, Raintree, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

By Lauren Fox, Lawrence Journal World, October 30, 2020 For over a year, 10-year-old Dylan Tenbrink has been standing outside Raintree Montessori School on Friday mornings, protesting about climate change with her sign, “Our planet, our future.” Dylan, a fifth grader, became inspired to speak out about the climate after watching a short video about Greta Thunberg, the 17-year-old Swedish climate activist. “She had a really strong voice and she was able to be heard,” Dylan said of Thunberg. “She had strong feelings about the [...]

Celebrating 150 Years – A Birthday Message

2020-12-29T14:05:42-06:00September 1st, 2020|Categories: Montessori|Tags: |

By Lynne Lawrence, Executive Director of AMI What an incredible year it has been to mark the 150th birthday of Maria Montessori, yet what a perfect opportunity to reflect on her work and show us how relevant it continues to be today and into our future. While we had planned to celebrate so much in person, sharing our work, our vision and our achievements this year, we have still found ways to connect across the world and I am grateful to the AMI community for [...]

One of the 20th Century’s Greatest Educators

2019-12-05T15:56:22-06:00November 5th, 2019|Categories: Montessori|Tags: , |

By Richard Gunderman, MD, PhD The story of one of the most remarkable students of human learning in the 20th century is not widely known.  This is a pity, partly because the story itself is so rich.  She became one of the first women in her nation to graduate from medical school, began her educational career working with disabled students, refused to bow to the will of a dictator who originally supported her (Benito Mussolini), and became one of the most influential educators of the 20th century.  [...]

If At First You Don’t Succeed…GREAT!!

2019-12-05T16:20:14-06:00October 5th, 2019|Categories: Montessori, Parenting|Tags: , , |

By Pilar Bewley Mistakes, we make them every day. Regardless of their magnitude, they all share one common characteristic: they teach. “We learn from failure, not from success,” wrote Bram Stoker in Dracula. Mistakes are essential to our growth and development and yet in our society they are taboo. At some point in our lives most of us have passed the buck instead of taking responsibility for our errors; in our culture messing up something you readily acknowledge. Since we have such a negative view [...]

Three Important Points for Toddler and Primary Parents

2019-12-05T16:41:10-06:00September 5th, 2019|Categories: Montessori, Parenting, Raintree|Tags: , |

1.  Quiet and Peacefulness Essential Montessori called the classroom a “children’s house,” a warm and inviting place scaled to the child’s size.  Our job is to protect and nurture this special place.  Please help us by…. Being quiet when you enter Raintree. Noise in the hallway distracts children who are working and awakens children who are sleeping in the afternoon.  Please help us follow the same guidelines the children follow during the day by being quiet in the hall. Giving your full attention to your [...]

The Value of Not Knowing

2019-02-28T11:09:31-06:00February 28th, 2019|Categories: Montessori|Tags: , |

By Pilar Bewley Margaret, a veteran elementary Montessori teacher, overheard a conversation between Steven and Paula, two children who were conducting a science experiment. Steven lifted up a half-full test tube. “Hey, the solution isn’t turning blue the way it’s supposed to!” Paula scratched her head. “What do you think we did wrong?” Steven sighed and said, “I don’t know, let’s ask Ms. Margaret.” With a dismissive gesture of the hand, Paula replied, “Nah, don’t ask her. She doesn’t know anything! I saw a chemistry [...]

Nation’s First Center Dedicated to Montessori Education Research

2018-06-20T14:53:58-05:00April 20th, 2018|Categories: Montessori|Tags: , , |

Photo by Laura Kingston Conference participants get a hands-on example of Montessori education in action at the 2017 National Council on Measurement in Education at KU. (Those are Kathy Klocke’s hands and Dayle’s bowl!) LAWRENCE — The University of Kansas has announced the foundation of the KU Center for Montessori Research, the nation’s first university-based center dedicated to research on Montessori education. The center will carry out studies specific to Montessori environments and examine the potential influence of Montessori principles on education and human development [...]

Barbara Kingsolver On Montessori: “You Can Do Hard Things”

2018-06-21T09:10:08-05:00February 21st, 2018|Categories: Montessori|Tags: , , , |

Barbara Kingsolver (Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, Flight Behavior, among many others) does a wide-ranging interview in Sun Magazine touching on writing, climate change, food, and more. The interviewer asks about perseverance: How do you nurture people to work hard enough to move all that dirt? How do you do that with your own children? And all of a sudden there’s this: “There’s something I have said so often to my children that now they chant it back to me: ‘You can do hard things.’ " “I [...]

Montessori Congress 2017

2018-06-21T09:22:23-05:00June 2nd, 2016|Categories: Montessori|Tags: |

Pathway to Peace: Montessori Education for Social Change The next Montessori Congress will be in Prague, Czech Republic July 27-30. The Congress will demonstrate that Montessori is an educational approach guided by the natural laws of human development, which enables all human beings to become agents of positive social change, which in the long term can lead to a more harmonious and peaceful world. The Congress will inspire a universal effort. Through dialogue, solidarity and collaboration each participant will come away with practical tools to [...]

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About a Montessori School…But Were Afraid to Ask

2018-06-21T09:27:40-05:00November 17th, 2015|Categories: Montessori|

“Aunt Martha says Montessori is a cult? Is that true?” “Does Montessori allow kids to do anything they want? A laissez-faire approach?” “I’ve heard Montessori classrooms are so rigid and strict you can hear a pin drop. Is that true?” “My friend sends her child to a Montessori school and loves it, but she has warned me that not all Montessori schools are the same. How will I know if a school is an authentic Montessori school?” The answers to the questions respectively are no, [...]

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