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The One Question Every Parent Should Quit Asking
By Scott Dannemiller “It’s like she’s not even practicing.” Audrey’s piano teacher was standing in front of me, giving her honest assessment. Her eyes were kind, and her voice soft, but my parental guilt turned [...]
7 Key Phrases Montessori Teachers Use and Why We Should Use Them, Too
By Christina Clemer Montessori can be hard to sum up in just a few words —it is a philosophy on education and child development that runs deep. It’s a way of seeing the world. I [...]
Nation’s First Center Dedicated to Montessori Education Research
Photo by Laura Kingston Conference participants get a hands-on example of Montessori education in action at the 2017 National Council on Measurement in Education at KU. (Those are Kathy Klocke’s hands and Dayle’s bowl!) LAWRENCE [...]
Guns vs. Children
It makes me angry that I live in a country where some people love their guns more than they love their children. The massacre of seventeen innocent children and teachers in Parkland, Florida has sparked [...]