Articles relating to the early childhood years of youth. These may be about the home environment or about child care environments.

My Early Intervention Program

2024-05-25T09:00:05-05:00May 25th, 2024|Categories: Early Childhood|Tags: , , , , |

Excerpt from Autism and Education: The Way I See It, What Parents and Teachers Need to Know by Dr. Temple Grandin I had a wonderful and effective early education program that started at age two and a half. By then, I had all the classic symptoms of autism, including no speech, no eye contact, tantrums, and constant repetitive behavior. This was in 1949, and doctors knew nothing about autism, but my mother would no accept that nothing could be done to help me. She was [...]

Spring Has Arrived!

2023-06-10T15:50:43-05:00March 26th, 2023|Categories: Early Childhood, Raintree|Tags: , |

Spring has arrived! As we look outside we see sprouting bits of green and blooms beginning to form. It is a time for new beginnings. As we transition from snow boots and gloves to rain boots and umbrellas, the children are bursting for outdoor adventures.  The South classroom children have spent this past week cleaning and prepping the outdoor space, splashing in rain puddles, petting the goats and soaking up each and every ray of sunshine.  Immersing ones-self into nature is an integral part of [...]

Animals of Raintree

2023-06-10T16:42:44-05:00January 26th, 2023|Categories: Early Childhood, Raintree|Tags: , , , , |

The longer I work at Raintree, the more I wonder about the stories that collect around these fourteen acres of land.  The tales that are told with the most joy and humor are those of the animals.  Some are woven into the Raintree quilt, the earliest threads of the school story.  Some are retold at staff gatherings or parent/teacher conferences.  All are cherished memories that remind us of our responsibility to the small and delicate life around us. The chickens are visited daily by children, [...]

What Is It Like to Be a Raintree Substitute (and also a Raintree Parent)?

2023-06-10T16:41:20-05:00December 18th, 2022|Categories: Early Childhood, Elementary, Montessori, Raintree|Tags: , , , |

Some names in the story have been changed. After making my way down to the Lower Far East toddler community, I find the children gathered around the tables joined by a few parents and/or guardians, having a cookie exchange. It’s the penultimate day before winter break and although the children may not have a full grasp of how much their routines are about to alter for the foreseeable future, they can certainly grasp the growing buzz around campus as the holiday spirit begins to take [...]

Montessori Language

2022-11-29T12:14:02-06:00November 29th, 2022|Categories: Early Childhood, Montessori|Tags: , , |

by Lisa Erber, Primary Guide in Upper Far West There are four schemes in preparing the language area of the Montessori primary. Dr. Montessori believed that you must prepare the hand to manipulate ever more refined, to guide the tool of writing to create symbols. When using tweezers to transfer materials, or removing the Knobbed Cylinders the Montessori Guide demonstrates the three-finger grasp. Fine motor control of the hand by repetition of the three-finger grasp develops strength in the pincer grip. Secondly, taking into consideration [...]

A Glimpse into the Primary Upper West

2022-05-15T20:17:01-05:00February 4th, 2022|Categories: Early Childhood, Montessori|Tags: , , , , |

By Laura Hosek, M.Ed., Primary Guide, Upper West It’s been a strange couple years for everyone, everywhere across the sphere we call home. Humans have been stretched and balled, left to rise, deflated, then molded into an adaptive new.  I’ve been baking a lot on the weekends— it’s fun and sets up a beautiful analogy... We, adults, are much like bread in the oven: while still a bit pliable and a few tricks can work to keep us changing in the direction we prefer, but [...]

My Amygdala Made Me Do It

2024-05-25T07:46:32-05:00May 25th, 2021|Categories: Early Childhood, Parenting|Tags: , , |

Written by Maren Schmidt (5/3/2014) Learning to control impulses is an important task for our children, and all of us, to learn. Until our children learn to control urges to hit, kick, punch, pinch, bite, spit, name call and more, we’ll see all those behaviors emerge when life becomes overwhelming. How is self-control established? Let’s look at the young child’s brain. Our brains are perhaps best viewed as three brains in one. Our reptilian brain (cerebellum) takes in all sensory information and handles issue of basic survival, [...]

Finn’s Lesson: Becoming A Classroom Leader

2016-11-01T15:28:37-05:00August 20th, 2015|Categories: Early Childhood|Tags: |

As I have said in almost every newsletter at the start of a school term, it is hard being a parent and leaving your little child in the arms of a stranger. We know exactly how you feel because we’ve been there, most of us personally, and all of us professionally. So if you are still worried when you get home, or to work, please call. 99.9% of the time your child is fine, and you are the one who is still crying. To assure [...]

Every Breath You Take, Every Move You Make

2016-11-01T15:28:37-05:00May 2nd, 2015|Categories: Early Childhood|Tags: |

Young children of preschool age derive their security from order, routine and the consistency of the adults in their lives. When a child starts attending a new school, it is common for him to react to the transition, often with tears. Some children cry right away while others wait for a few weeks. If you are a parent of a child who is crying when you leave, have faith. All will be well. Keep in mind that we adults are key to how our children [...]

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